Your fostering journey in more detail

The process usually takes around 16 weeks.

Under certain circumstances we will offer you the chance to have your application ‘fast-tracked’. This will potentially reduce the time from initial enquiry to ‘Approval’ to around 12 weeks.

This is an option for people who perhaps have direct and current professional experience working with children - such as teachers or youth workers. This option can also suit people who are in a position to commit more time and availability to the process.

  • When you contact us one of our friendly and expert advisors will take all the time needed to discuss your reasons for wanting to foster. They will also take details of your circumstances and background. When you make an enquiry, there is no obligation. Some people decide fostering is not for them and that’s fine. We aim to give you the information to make the right decision for you and your family.

  • We arrange an initial home visit to discuss fostering in more detail and advise you of the different options you have. We will talk through your preferences and describe the range of training we provide letting you know our carers are expected to attend regular training to build their knowledge and experience. The spare room for the foster child will be checked and we will also look to see your home offers safe environment for a child. The support network you have - friends and wider family - is another area we will discuss.

  • This is when the statutory checks are made - along with a health check to make sure you are in reasonable health. References will be collected including from your employer and a DBS check will be made. This is a standard check made to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups.

  • Your application form will be submitted and you will be invited to attend ‘Skills to Foster’ training. This is a pre-approval course intended to equip you with more detailed knowledge about fostering and prepare you for the challenges. It lasts two days and is mandatory for all new applicants. It links with the Training, Support and Development Standards in England (TSDS).

  • Your allocated social worker will work with you on your Form F. This goes into detail about your motivations to foster and your suitability. It will also record the kind of fostering you are interested in and consider any terms of approval. It will provide the key information for discussion with Panel for your assessment.

  • You will be invited to attend Panel with your social worker. The Panel will be made up of people with knowledge and experience of fostering. It may include people who have been fostered, or individuals with experience of children’s social care. They will decide if you will be ‘Approved’ to foster. Panel members understand applicants will be anxious and so they will be friendly and interested in you as a prospective new foster carer.